Tara Moore
Legacy: The De-Colonized History of South Africa - iAfrica
Although apartheid ended in 1994, South Africa remains the most unequal country in the world; filmmaker Tara Moore reveals the historical roots of these inequalities and allows the grandson of the 'Architect of Apartheid' to share his struggle with his legacy and responsibility.

Apartheid was dismantled in 1994, but today, South Africa remains the most unequal country in the world. Filmmaker, Tara Moore, illuminates why this is so, by connecting present-day inequalities to their historical roots. She tackles the question of accountability amongst people with historical privilege. In a refreshingly honest confession, the grandson of the ‘Architect of Apartheid’ discloses how he grapples with his legacy and the work he is doing to counter it.
De apartheid werd in 1994 ontmanteld, maar vandaag de dag blijft Zuid-Afrika het meest ongelijke land ter wereld. Filmmaker Tara Moore verduidelijkt waarom dit zo is door de ongelijkheden van vandaag te verbinden met hun historische wortels. Ze gaat in op de kwestie van verantwoordelijkheid onder mensen met historisch privilege. In een opvallend eerlijke bekentenis onthult de kleinzoon van de 'Architect van de Apartheid' hoe hij worstelt met zijn erfenis en het werk dat hij doet om deze tegen te gaan.

iAfrica Film Festival
Through African Eyes! We are screening this film as part of the iAfrica Film Festival. The 8th edition of iAfrica will take place on October 11 and 12 at Filmhuis Den Haag. This edition focuses on South Africa.