Movies that Matter Festival 2023

Van 24 maart t/m 1 april staat Den Haag in het teken van het Movies that Matter Festival.
De kaartverkoop voor het Movies that Matter festival gaat via de website van Movies that Matter.
MtM Festival is terug van weggeweest! Deze 15e editie én tevens jubileumeditie van het festival wordt op vrijdag 24 maart in Den Haag geopend. Bij Filmhuis Den Haag kan je tijdens dit festival vanaf zaterdag 25 maart urgente, ontroerende en inspirerende films zien. Deze editie stelt Iran centraal met een speciaal themaprogramma.
Het programma binnen Filmhuis Den Haag is als volgt:
Zaterdag 25 maart
10.00 uur: Joyland
10.30: Category: Woman
10.45: Blue Jean
11.00: Dream's Gate
11.00: Shorts: Through the Eyes of Others
12.45: Plastic Fantastic
13:00: The Hostage Takers
13:00Shorts: The Memory of Water
13:15 Aurora's Sunrise
13:15 Mama Bears
15:00 Blue ID
15:00 Shorts: Growing Pains
15:30 Industry Masterclass: Take on Iran
15:30 Total Trust
15:45 Story of Bones
15:45 Stronger than a Bullet
16:45 Shorts: Glimpses into Others' Lives
17:00 How to Blow Up a Pipeline
18:00 Seven Winters in Tehran
18:15 Daughter of Rage
18:15 Iron Butterflies
18:45 Shorts: Facing the Past
19:15 Killing of a Journalist
20:15 While We Watched
20:30 Die middag
21:00 El Equipo
21:00 Shorts: Through the Eyes of Others
21:15 Sirens
Zondag 26 maart
10:30 Mama Bears
10:45 This Stolen Country of Mine
11:00 Shorts: Facing the Past
11:00 Twice Colonized
11:15 Plan 75
12:45 Aurora's Sunrise
13:00 Shorts: Growing Pains
13:15 Seven Winters in Tehran
13:30 Daughters
13:30 Killing of a Journalist
14:45 Shorts: The Memory of Water
15:30 Daughters of the Sun
15:30 Industry Talk: Women at Risk
15:45 The Flag
16:00 Butterfly Vision
16:45 Shorts: Glimpses into Others' Lives
18:00 El Equipo
18:00 Joyland
18:15 Die middag
18:45 Klaas de Jonge, de Prijs van Vrijheid
18:45 Shorts: Facing the Past
20:30 Golden Life
20:30 Mijn vader, Nour en ik
20:45 Daughter of Rage
21:00 Shorts: Through the Eyes of Others
21:00 Tantura
Maandag 27 maart
09:00 Industry: Take on Film & Impact
14:30 Mind Game
16:00 Blue Caftan
16:00 Taxi Teheran
16:30Esther and the Law
16:45Mijn vader, Nour en ik
17:00 Shorts: Growing Pains
18:15 El Equipo
18:15 A Separation
18:30 Blue ID
18:45 Category: Woman
18:45 Shorts: Glimpses into Others' Lives
20:30 Shorts: The Memory of Water
20:45 The Flag
21:00 Daughters of the Sun
21:00 Persepolis
Dinsdag 28 maart
09:00 Industry: Take on Film & Impact Pitching
12:30 Kleinkinderen van de Oost
14:30 Daughters of the Sun
15:15 Plan 75
16:15 The Golden Thread
16:30 Deep Rising
17:00 Shorts: Through the Eyes of Others
17:30 Until Tomorrow
18:30 Little Richard: I Am Everything
18:45 January
19:00 Shorts: Facing the Past
20:00 How to Blow Up a Pipeline
20:30 Tantura
20:45 Joyland
21:00 Shorts: Growing Pains
21:00 Sirens
Woensdag 29 maart
10:00 Industry: Work in Progress
17:00 Shorts: Glimpses into Others' Lives
17:30 The Golden Thread
17:45 Seven Winters in Tehran
18:00 Three Thousand Numbered Pieces
18:15 Story of Bones
18:45 Shorts: The Memory of Water
20:00 The Kings of the World
20:15 Daughters
20:30 Esther and the Law
20:45 Shorts: Through the Eyes of Others
21:00 A Taste of Whale
Donderdag 30 maart
11:00 Seminar Global Justice Cinema
14:00 Kleinkinderen van de Oost
15:15 Camera Justitia Masterclass
15:45 Iron Butterflies
16:00 Tantura
17:00 The Mind Game
17:00 Shorts: Facing the Past
17:45 Klaas de Jonge, de Prijs van Vrijheid
18:15 The Killing of a Journalist
18:30 Daughters
19:00 Shorts: Growing Pains
20:00 Butterfly Vision
20:30 Three Thousand Numbered Pieces
20:45 Nayola
20:45 Shorts: Glimpses into Others' Lives
Vrijdag 31 maart
12:00 Mijn grote broer
12:45 Argentina, 1985
13:30 The Pawnshop
14:30 White Balls on Walls
15:00 Shorts: The Memory of Water
15:30 Sirens
15:45 Plastic Fantastic
17:00 Shorts: Through the Eyes of Others
17:30 Tweeling
17:45 A Golden Life
18:00 Theatre of Violence
19:00 Shorts: Facing the Past
20:00 Blue Jean
20:00 Stories that Matter
20:30 Nayola
21:00 Shorts: Growing Pains
Zaterdag 1 april
10:00 The Golden Thread
10:15 The Pawnshop
11:00 Plastic Fantastic
11:00 Shorts: Glimpses into Others' Lives
12:00 My Maysoon
12:15 Total Trust
12:45 Shorts: The Memory of Water
13:15 Mijn grote broer
14:15 Nayola
14:30 Dream's Gate
14:45 Shorts: Through the Eyes of Others
16:00 Paved Paradise
16:15 Blue Jean
16:45 Shorts: Facing the Past
16:45 Verdwaalde Veteranen
18:30 Three Thousand Numbered Pieces
18:45 Shorts: Growing Pains
18:45 A Taste of Whale
19:00 The Mind Game
20:45 The Listener
20:45 Shorts: Glimpses into Others' Lives
21:00 Innocence
21:15 January