Satoshi Kon, Shôgo Furuya
Tokyo Godfathers - Anti Xmas
Tokyo Godfathers is an animated holiday drama about three homeless individuals who discover an abandoned baby on Christmas Eve in Tokyo and embark on a journey to reunite the child with its parents, confronting their own pasts along the way.

Tokyo Godfathers is an animated holiday drama that follows three homeless people—an alcoholic named Gin, a runaway teenager named Miyuki, and a drag queen named Hana—as they discover an abandoned baby on Christmas Eve in Tokyo. The trio embarks on a journey to find the child’s parents, confronting their own troubled pasts along the way. The film explores themes of family, redemption, and the kindness of strangers, all set against the vibrant backdrop of the city. With its heartwarming story and rich animation, Tokyo Godfathers is a unique and emotional holiday tale.
Tokyo Godfathers is een geanimeerd kerstdrama dat drie dakloze mensen volgt—de alcoholist Gin, de weggelopen tiener Miyuki en de drag queen Hana—die op kerstavond in Tokyo een verlaten baby vinden. Het trio begint een reis om de ouders van het kind te vinden, terwijl ze onderweg geconfronteerd worden met hun eigen problematische verleden. De film onderzoekt thema’s als familie, verlossing en de vriendelijkheid van vreemden, tegen de levendige achtergrond van de stad. Met zijn ontroerende verhaal en rijke animatie is Tokyo Godfathers een unieke en emotionele kerstvertelling.

Anti Xmas
Anti Xmas dives into films set on christmas eve and christmas day that offer anything but the traditional holiday warmth. Through stories brimming with humor, tension, and raw honesty, we’re reminded that there’s a whole other side to the holiday season. Click here for the program.