Tea Vidovic Dalipi
Snajka: Diary of Expectations - ENFF
Family makes you stronger, but it can also tear you apart. This uncompromising documentary delves into the complexities of a romantic relationship between two people from different backgrounds.

Participatory observation about the Croatian-Roma couple Tea and Mirsad, their daughter Frida, and an attempt at a life together, stretched between family pressure and compromises they are both willing to make. Their respective endowments were economically and culturally practically incompatible, so they had to face the unrewarding challenge of balancing their family baggage in the form of previous generations’ legacy on the road between Croatia and Kosovo.
Both screenings include a Q&A with the film makers.
Participerende observatie over het Kroatisch-Romaanse koppel Tea en Mirsad, hun dochter Frida, en een poging tot een leven samen, balancerend tussen familieverplichtingen en de compromissen die ze beiden bereid zijn te maken. Hun respectieve achtergronden waren economisch en cultureel vrijwel onverenigbaar, waardoor ze de ondankbare uitdaging moesten aangaan om hun familiebagage, in de vorm van het nalatenschap van vorige generaties, in evenwicht te brengen op de weg tussen Kroatië en Kosovo.

Eastern Neighbours Film Festival
Welcome to the 16th edition of Eastern Neighbours Film Festival! The Eastern Neighbours Film Festival (ENFF) brings powerful, fresh cinema from Eastern and Southeastern Europe to The Netherlands, offering Dutch premieres and engaging discussions with filmmakers. For the full program, click here.