Janez Burger
Observing - ENFF
Lana is a young paramedic who encounters a case involving a young man who was brutally assaulted and beaten while the entire act was streamed live on social media. As she becomes more involved in the case, mysterious things start happening to her and her loved ones.
Renowned Slovenian director Janez Burger (Idle Running, Ruins, Ivan) turns his attention to a true story that occurred in Slovenia a few years ago, when a group of people in the centre of Ljubljana beat a man to death while hundreds of onlookers watched the event live and did nothing to intervene. Employing strong genre elements, Burger crafts a disturbing thriller intertwined with social drama that delves deep into questions about today’s moral and ethical landscape.
Warning: this film contains violence, mostly off-screen, but includes images with blood.
The screening on Saturday includes a Q&A with the film makers.
De beroemde Sloveense regisseur Janez Burger (Idle Running, Ruins, Ivan) richt zijn aandacht op een waargebeurd verhaal dat enkele jaren geleden in Slovenië plaatsvond, toen een groep mensen in het centrum van Ljubljana een man doodsloeg terwijl honderden omstanders het live aanschouwden en niets deden om in te grijpen. Met gebruik van sterke genre-elementen creëert Burger een verontrustende thriller, verweven met sociaal drama, die diep ingaat op vragen over het hedendaagse morele en ethische landschap.
Waarschuwing: deze film bevat geweld, meestal off-screen, maar bevat beelden met bloed.

Eastern Neighbours Film Festival
Welcome to the 16th edition of Eastern Neighbours Film Festival! The Eastern Neighbours Film Festival (ENFF) brings powerful, fresh cinema from Eastern and Southeastern Europe to The Netherlands, offering Dutch premieres and engaging discussions with filmmakers. For the full program, click here.