Made in Ethiopia - MtM On Tour • Nederlands Filmhuis Denhaag

Xinyan Yu, Max Duncan

Made in Ethiopia - MtM On Tour

When a massive Chinese factory complex attempts a high-stakes expansion in rural Ethiopia, three women in search of prosperity have their faith in industrialization tested to the limit.

When a massive Chinese industrial park lands in rural Ethiopia, a dusty farming town finds itself at the new frontier of globalization. The sprawling factory complex’s formidable Chinese director Motto now needs every bit of mettle and charm she can muster to push through a high-stakes expansion that promises 30,000 new jobs. Ethiopian farmer Workinesh and factory worker Beti have staked their futures on the prosperity the park promises. But as initial hope meets painful realities, they find themselves, like their country, at a pivotal crossroads.

Filmed over four years with singular access, Made in Ethiopia lifts the curtain on China’s historic but misunderstood impact on Africa, and explores contemporary Ethiopia at a moment of profound crisis. The film throws audiences into two colliding worlds: an industrial juggernaut fueled by profit and progress, and a vanishing countryside where life is still measured by the cycle of the seasons. And its nuance, complexity and multi-perspective approach go beyond black-and-white narratives of victims and villains. As the three women’s stories unfold, Made in Ethiopia challenges us to rethink the relationship between tradition and modernity, growth and welfare, the development of a country and the well-being of its people.

Movies That Matter On Tour

Movies that Matter organiseert met haar On Tour-programma filmvertoningen en verdiepingsprogramma’s door het hele land én online. Ze werken hierbij samen met uiteenlopende organisaties en bedrijven. De stichting organiseert onder andere ook het jaarlijkse Movies that Matter festival in Den Haag.


With the On Tour program, Movies that Matter organizes screenings with in-depth programmes in The Netherlands and online. They do this in collaboration with a diverse array of organisations and companies. Among other things, the organization also organises the annual Movies that Matter Festival in The Hague.

Regisseur Xinyan Yu, Max Duncan
Land Canada, Ethiopië, Verenigde Staten, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Denemarken
Taal Chinees, Amhaars, Engels, Oromo
Ondertiteling Engels
Speelduur 91 min

Voor je bezoek


Van maandag t/m zondag is de kassa van 10.00 tot 22.00 uur open. Ons café is open van 10.00 tot 00.00 uur. Kom dus heerlijk ontbijten, een kop koffie drinken, lunchen of vegetarisch dineren. We kijken ernaar uit!


Info over tickets, prijzen en kadobonnen vind je op de bezoekerspagina. Vragen? De kassa is telefonisch (070-3656030) bereikbaar op maandag tot en met vrijdag tussen 10:30 en 12:30 uur. Je kunt ook een mailtje sturen naar

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