Intercepted - ENFF • Nederlands Filmhuis Denhaag

Oksana Karpovych

Intercepted - ENFF

Destruction in the Ukraine war shown through lengthy tableaux. Soldiers' phone calls to families reveal a parallel world. Sound and image confront one another.

Ukrainian intelligence services have intercepted thousands of phone calls Russian soldiers made from the battlefield in Ukraine to their families and friends in Russia, painting a stark picture of the cruelty of war. Juxtaposed with images of the destruction caused by the invasion and the day-to-day life of the Ukrainian people who resist and rebuild, the voices of the Russian soldiers – ranging from being filled with heroic illusions to complete disappointment and loss of reason, from looting to committing more horrible war crimes, from propaganda to doubt and disillusionment – expose the whole scope of the dehumanizing power of war.

Warning: this film contains offensive language and depictions of destroyed villages and towns (from the war in Ukraine).

Eastern Neighbours Film Festival

Welcome to the 16th edition of Eastern Neighbours Film Festival! The Eastern Neighbours Film Festival (ENFF) brings powerful, fresh cinema from Eastern and Southeastern Europe to The Netherlands, offering Dutch premieres and engaging discussions with filmmakers. For the full program, click here

Regisseur Oksana Karpovych
Land Canada, Frankrijk, Oekraïne
Taal Russisch, Oekraïens
Ondertiteling Engels
Speelduur 93 min

Voor je bezoek


Van maandag t/m zondag is de kassa van 10.00 tot 22.00 uur open. Ons café is open van 10.00 tot 00.00 uur. Kom dus heerlijk ontbijten, een kop koffie drinken, lunchen of vegetarisch dineren. We kijken ernaar uit!


Info over tickets, prijzen en kadobonnen vind je op de bezoekerspagina. Vragen? De kassa is telefonisch (070-3656030) bereikbaar op maandag tot en met vrijdag tussen 10:30 en 12:30 uur. Je kunt ook een mailtje sturen naar

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