David Lynch
Inland Empire - The Last Take
Inland Empire follows an actress trapped in a surreal labyrinth of identity, dreams, and nightmares, blurring the lines between reality and fiction while exploring themes of self-destruction and the disorienting effects of fame.

Head of Programming Sophie about 'Inland Empire':
For true enthusiasts, we present a one-time screening of this underappreciated and overlooked film from 2006, where the boundaries between fiction and reality blur more and more. When an actress takes on a complex role, she begins to sink deeper into her own subconscious, pulling us as viewers into parallel worlds along with her. The studio was so perplexed by Inland Empire that they struggled with its promotion, eventually settling on the simple tagline: "a woman in trouble." We have nothing to add to that—just come and see for yourself.
Teamleider programmering Sophie over 'Inland Empire':
Voor de echte liefhebbers presenteren we eenmalig deze onderbelichte en onderschatte film uit 2006, waarin werelden van fictie en realiteit steeds meer vervagen. Wanneer een actrice een complexe rol krijgt aangeboden begint ze steeds dieper in haar eigen onderbewuste weg te zakken en komen wij als kijkers met haar in parallelle werelden terecht. De studio was zo verward door Inland Empire dat ze grote moeite hadden met de promotie en uiteindelijk voor de eenvoudige tagline ‘a woman in trouble’ kozen. Daar hebben wij niets aan toe te voegen: kom maar gewoon kijken.

The Last Take: David Lynch
The Last Take is a special Filmhuis Den Haag series celebrating the legacy of recently departed film legends through their most iconic works. This January, we honor the incomparable David Lynch with screenings of five of his greatest films: Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, and Inland Empire. Additionally, we are also screening a selection of his short films.