Eneos Carka
Another Day - ENFF
Two artists, once bound by dreams and a shared past, now face the crossroads that could break their bond forever.

After years of performing side by side on the streets of Italy, the lives of two artists begin to diverge. United by a shared difficult past, Rafael and Besmir once pursued the same dream of becoming professional street performers. But as they enter their thirties, their aspirations shift, leading to tensions between them. The close of a chapter in their lives is looming, and with it comes the threat of losing their friendship.
Na jaren samen op te treden in de straten van Italië, beginnen de levens van twee artiesten uiteen te lopen. Verbonden door een moeilijk gedeeld verleden, streefden Rafael en Besmir ooit hetzelfde droom na: professioneel straatartiest worden. Maar nu ze de dertig naderen, veranderen hun ambities en ontstaan er spanningen tussen hen. Het einde van een hoofdstuk in hun leven nadert, en daarmee dreigt hun vriendschap verloren te gaan.

Eastern Neighbours Film Festival
Welcome to the 16th edition of Eastern Neighbours Film Festival! The Eastern Neighbours Film Festival (ENFF) brings powerful, fresh cinema from Eastern and Southeastern Europe to The Netherlands, offering Dutch premieres and engaging discussions with filmmakers. For the full program, click here.